Perhaps most interesting of the promised characters is Darcy, the Assassin. The DLC likely won't be available until 2021, however, which will give players plenty of time to experiment with the " play as anyone" gameplay of Watch Dogs: Legion without a hero on hand. The choice to include what are essentially four crafted protagonists feels a bit odd in a game where the theme is on the importance of a collective resistance instead of an individual hero. All four of these characters will be playable in the Bloodline DLC, and in the main campaign of Watch Dogs: Legion.
Mina appears to be a wholly original character. Lastly, Mina is a woman who has undergone " transhuman experiments" that have given her the ability to mind control other people. Darcy is a member of the Assassin Order of Assassin's Creed, and her inclusion officially puts the two franchises in the same universe. The other two hero characters of the season pass are new faces, though one has a surprising connection to an established franchise. Watch Dogs: Legion Will Include an Assassin's Creed Crossover

Both these characters will star in a story campaign entitled Bloodline. Aiden Pearce was the lead of the original Watch Dogs and is currently a vigilante, while Wrench was a side character in Watch Dogs 2. The first two, Aiden Pearce and Wrench, are returning characters from previous Watch Dogs games. While the vast majority of people players can recruit will be random civilians off the street, the Watch Dogs: Legion season pass will include four "hero characters" that will be introduced to the game over time. Related: Who Wanted Aiden Pearce Back in Watch Dogs? Players of Watch Dogs:Legion will be able to switch between members of their team at will, allowing them to choose how they want to approach any particular problem. These NPCs will have specialized skills, tools, and abilities. In a somewhat unique twist, players will not have a main character to play, but will be playing any NPC they recruit from the game world. Watch Dogs: Legion is the third game in the Watch Dogs franchise. Among the features coming in the announced season pass are four "hero characters," some of who are familiar faces. Ubisoft appears committed to updating Watch Dogs: Legion for some time to come after the game releases in late October 2020.